

Monday 10 June 2024, 14:26
Sunday 14 July 2024, 23:59
Chris Abbott
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£10 Entry (paid to club account please)

Winner £100
Runner up £50
Semi £15
Semi £15
Worst team £10

NHC - Scotland
James Norman - France
Kat Waltham - Romania
Liam Spiller - Albania
Sophie Randle - Slovakia
Lulu Norman - Turkey
Matt Pegg - Ukraine
Pat Veasey - Portugal
Amber - Austria
Kat Waltham - Poland
Anna Whitmore - Serbia
Rachel Talbot - Croatia
Lara Marrs - Italy
Hannah Cartwright - Belgium
Clare Leeson - Hungary
Archer Abbott - Netherlands
Lynda Nestoruk - Slovenia
Emma Abbott - England
Emma Chester - Czech Republic
Jackie Neale - Germany
Chris Abbott - Spain
Martin Bristow - Denmark
James Pennington - Georgia
Sarah Booker - Switzerland

If you have not yet paid, please make sure you do ASAP...
Keep the 14th July free for a social at Ambleside to watch the final!

Further reading
This is a past event
1 members attending
Chris Abbott
Chris Abbott